Building Strong Educational and Social Foundations
We believe that most students can receive quality education while remaining in their school, so long as they’re provided with the right tools. As such, our team at Constellations Behavioral Services offers a wide range of ABA-based services for schools and their districts:
Intensive student-specific behavioral and educational supports (Tier 3)
In-house small group behavioral and educational supports (Tier 2)
School-wide system supports and training workshops (Tier 1)
Constellations Behavioral Services takes a whole-school approach to supporting student needs; therefore, our approach is grounded in collaboration with your in-house teams.
We believe that given the right tools, resources, and knowledge, every team can effectively support students so that they can reach their fullest potential. We do this by our commitment to:
Development and training on individualized student programming. Our clinicians meet your teams where they are in order to begin building internal capacity and sustainable systems that will continue to provide structure and support long after we are gone.
Consultation not only to classroom and special education teachers, but also to school administrative teams aimed at establishing and maintaining positive school-wide systems.
Our Mission
Improving educational outcomes by applying behavioral science to multi-tiered systems of support. We consult to each facet of the organization (from systems to student-specific needs) to ensure that schools can meet the social-emotional, behavioral, and educational needs of every student.
All this Information at Your Fingertips
Click the link below for all of the information about our school services in one easy-to-print PDF file.
What to Expect with Constellations
Access to a Team of Highly Qualified Behavior Analysts!
- With a broad and proven understanding of behavioral science
Internal Capacity Building!
- With a focus on training and system development to support students and staff long after we are gone
Creative Evidence-Based Solutions!
- Tailored to your students, staff, and administrators’ unique challenges
A Data-Driven Approach!
- To identifying solutions for your school district’s systemic, educational, or behavioral needs